Setting Up a Barcode Mask Parsing Rule

Note: In order to add a barcode parsing rule, the role of the logged-in user must have edit access to the Barcode Parsing feature.

A barcode parsing rule is added to a division. To add a barcode mask parsing rule and apply it to a field or fields in IntelliTrack Mobile, please see the steps that follow.

  1. Select Mobile> Barcode Parsing Rules.
  2. The Barcode Parsing Rules page appears. Select the Add icon.Add Icon
  3. The Add Rule form appears.

Add Rule form

  1. Name field (required): Enter a name for the rule in the Name field.
  2. Using Barcode Mask option: Select the Using Barcode Mask option, to set up a barcode mask parsing rule.

Add Rule form - Using Barcode Mask Rule

  1. Barcode Mask field (required): Enter the Barcode Mask rule in this field; this rule will dictate the barcode that is read for the assigned field in the IntelliTrack Mobile application. Examples of mask rules that are valid in IntelliTrack, using the character match &A&B&C as an example, include:
    1. To read a specified amount of characters AFTER the character match &A&B&C, use a # symbol in the rule, to equal the specified amount (i.e., to read four characters after the match, enter &A&B&C####).
    2. To read all characters AFTER the match, enter a * symbol (&A&B&C*).
    3. To read a specified amount of characters BEFORE the match, use the # symbol in the rule, before the match (i.e., to read four characters before the match, enter #### before the &A&B&C character match: ####&A&B&C).
    4. To read all characters BEFORE the &A&B&C character match, use a * symbol in the rule before the match: (i.e., enter *&A&B&C).
    5. To read a specific amount of characters BEFORE and AFTER a string of characters inside a barcode, use the # symbol in the rule, before and after the &A&B&C character match: (i.e., to read three characters before and after the match, enter this mask rule ###&A&B&C###).
    6. To read all characters BEFORE and AFTER a string of characters inside a barcode, use the * symbol in the rule, before and after the character match: (i.e., to read all characters before and after a &A&B&C character match, enter *&A&B&C*).
    7. To read a specific amount of characters BEFORE a match and ALL characters AFTER a match, use the # symbol in the rule BEFORE the match and the * symbol in the rule AFTER the match: (i.e., to read 3 characters BEFORE the match ALL characters AFTER the &A&B&C match, enter ###&A&B&C*).
    8. To read ALL characters BEFORE the &A&B&C match and a specific amount of characters AFTER the match, use the * symbol BEFORE the match and the # symbol AFTER the match (i.e., to read 3 characters before the &A&B&C match, and all characters after the match, enter this rule: ###&A&B&C*).
  2. Applies To portion of the form: Lists the fields to which this barcode parsing rule may be applied. To apply this rule to a field or fields in IntelliTrack Mobile, mark the checkbox next to each field that it should be applied to in the Applies To section of the form.

  1. To save the barcode parsing rule, select the Save icon to close the Add Rule form and return to the Barcode Parsing Rules page. The new rule is listed in the page's grid. (To cancel saving this rule, and discard all information, select the Cancel icon.)
  2. To implement the barcode parsing rule in IntelliTrack Mobile, for the fields that it has been applied to:
    1. IntelliTrack Mobile Batch: download the data, then log out/log into the mobile application.
    2. IntelliTrack Mobile RF: log out/log into the mobile application.